Adequatio Rei et Intellectus
D.B.A. vs. Ph.D. in Business Administration:
The PhD in Business Administration and DBA program target different learners. Generally spoken, people engaging in a PhD program aim to eventually become a fulltime faculty member at a university or college. Usually, their goal is to become an academic member of staff and to perform research. To this end, PhD students usually start their program directly after graduating either their Master’s degree or even after graduating their Bachelor’s degree. Consequently, most Ph.D. students are in their mid and late 20s and have limited working experience.
In contrast, the participants pursuing an DBA degree, are usually professionals who already have been successful in business for many years and who look for an additional intellectual challenge. Often the holders of an MBA or EMBA degree, DBA students usually have a desire to distinguish themselves from their Master’s degree peers by focusing their attention on business research, and possibly to apply the dissertation phase for answering a practical research question, which may have originated from their personal working environment. Consequently, DBA students are best described as being in their mid 30s/40s, having extensive professional experience, and being highly motivated and ambitious.
Program Objectives:
The Doctoral Program (DBA) continues the specialization and concentration of study which started with the Master's degree. The basic objective is to allow the learners to gain additional specialization and competence in their field of study and demonstrate their ability to do professional level research. The basic philosophy of the program is that the student is professionally oriented and possesses the intellectual ability to understand and integrate information for purposes of research, planning and managing in the business world. The program is designed to develop these abilities to the fullest potential.
Students who select the PhD option must complete a dissertation as a part of the doctorate program requirements. At the time of admission, each student will be assigned a Graduate Committee that will consist of no less than three or more than five members. The Graduate committee will approve the student’s program of studies, provide guidance during the course of the program, approve the dissertation topic, review all examinations and conduct a defense and/or final oral at a site to be determined by the committee.
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this program, students will be able:
to assess the relevance of current and emerging business theory and practice, from an interdisciplinary perspective.
to formulate and execute effective solutions to complex real-world problems common to the practice of business and management.
to apply the current research literature from business and management to practical problems found in business and management.
to design and conduct rigorous research that contributes to the professional body of knowledge in business.
to clearly communicate to stakeholders about problem statements, research approaches and results, solutions, and assessment.
to apply ethical principles as a member of the business community and citizens in society.
Admission Prerequisites:
Applicants to the DBA (or optional the PhD) program must have one of the following formal academic credentials for admission:
Master's Degree in Business or related field from an acceptable institution.
Completion of graduate work evaluated to be comparable to a Master’s Degree by US Educational Norms by an organization qualified to make such an evaluation.
Program Requirements:
The Doctoral program requires a minimum of one-hundred and five (105) units of graduate study. The first part (55 units) of the Doctoral Program is the Masters Degree Program.
The Doctor of Business Administration (D.B.A.) Curriculum (optional Ph.D.) :
Core Courses:
BUS 702 Principles of Corporate Leadership (5)
BUS 706 Advanced Economic Analysis (5)
BUS 718 Research Methods in Business Administration (5)
Electives: (Select a minimum of 30 credits):
BUS 702: History of Management Thought (5)
BUS 706: Advanced Economic Analysis (5)
BUS 707: Values and Ethics in Management (5)
BUS 708: Advanced Leadership Studies (5)
BUS 709: Operations Management (5)
BUS 710: Seminar in Quality and Productivity Management (5)
BUS 712: Strategic Decision Making (5)
BUS 717: Supply Chain Management (5)
BUS 719: Qualitative and Quantitative Methods (5)
BUS 720: Advanced Research Design in Business (5)
BUS 601: Advanced Personnel Management (5
BUS 604: Institutional Planning (5)
BUS 610: Institutional Finance (5)
BUS 612: Economics & Public Policy (5)
BUS 616: Advanced Quantitative Methods (5)
BUS 617: Cost Accounting (5)
BUS 618: Business Planning (5)
BUS 619: Rational Management (5)
BUS 620: Managerial Accounting (5)
BUS 621: Management Practice & Organizational Behavior (5)
BUS 622: Advanced Managerial Economics (5)
BUS 623: Industry Economic Analysis (5)
BUS 624: Organization Design (5)
BUS 625: Leadership Behavior & Motivation (5)
BUS 626: Corporate Planning & Environment (5)
BUS 627: Multinational Marketing (5)
BUS 628: Industrial Management (5)
BUS 633: Applied Dynamics of Teams, Employee
Empowerment, & Culture Change (5)
BUS 645: Contemporary Marketing Management (5)
BUS 646: Innovation Management & Methodology (5)
BUS 654: International Macroeconomics Analysis (5)
BUS 655: Management & Global European Competition (5)
BUS 661: International Economics (5)
BUS 662: International Marketing (5)
BUS 663: Global Business Strategy and Operations (5)
BUS 664: International Human Resource Management (5)
BUS 680: Legal Issues for the Modern Institution (5 )
BUS 681: Change-Management & Information Technology (5)
BUS 682: Managing Internet & E-commerce (5)
BUS 683: IT-Consultancy (5)
BUS 684: Managing Information Technology (5)
BUS 688: Administrative Policy & Administration (5)
BUS 694: Directed Study (5)
BUS 695: Independent Research & Presentation (5)
Graduation Assignment:
BUS 797* Dissertation I (Ph.D. only) (5)
BUS 798* Dissertation II (Ph.D. only) (5)
BUS 799* Dissertation III (Ph.D. only) (5)
BUS 696: Project (5) (D.B.A. only) (5)
In certain instances participants may select additional electives from our other master's degrees such as the Master in the Human Behavior, Psychology or Computer Science. The request for elective courses from other academic diciplines, must be properly substantiated and should contribute to an improved matching of the student's personal goals and objectives while at the same time the overall program integrity is not harmed. The selected elective courses may not have been previously taken and require permission by faculty advisor.