Adequatio Rei et Intellectus
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Applying for Admissions
[ Documentation ] [ Transfer Credits ] [ Individualized Education Program ] [ Criminal Background Check ] [ Credit Transferability ]
It is the philosophy of our university that the evaluation of an applicant's life‑long learning experience is the basis of any degree program. Thus, it is important to include anything that may be of value in this crucial evaluation, including formal and informal education and training, professional experience, military service, etc. A comprehensive application is comprised of all previously enjoyed vocational, professional, and academic education and formation.
An admissions specialist to determine student eligibility into the program of interest evaluates all application materials Applicant student may receive a provisional evaluation based on a copy of their transcript(s) of prior education but official transcripts must be received by the University and in the student's file before official enrollment.
Degree-Seeking students wishing to pursue a degree with the University need to submit the following:
1. Completed Application for Admissions Form;
2. Application Fee of $100 (non-refundable);
3. Official Transcripts of past educational credentials:
Official transcripts from previously attended colleges or universities must be provided to the University prior to enrollment. Transcripts must include secondary education for bachelor’s degree students. Foreign transcripts must be translated to English to ensure accuracy in awarding credits and in determining the eligibility of the student;
2. Documentation Copies of In‑Service Training/Workshops or Seminars:
For evaluation purposes, it is important that the applicant list any and all workshops, training and seminars that have been attended in the course of employment, military service, or study in the field for which a degree is sought. Documentation may take the form of a certificate or a letter from a sponsoring employer certifying attendance and a brief description of the training;
Transfer Credits:
Newharbor International University allows advanced placement for qualified students based on both formal and informal learning, or a combination thereof.
Credit for Formal Learning:
Credits for formal learning are derived from past academic achievements. Their assessment and acknowledgement will only be considered under the following conditions:
1. the credit was obtained with a “C” or higher for undergraduate courses; and a “B” or higher for graduate level course;
2. the credit was achieved from an appropriately accredited or state recognized institution and within the past five years;
3. the credit aligns with the content to the NHIU program in which the student will enroll.
To earn transfer credit, an applicant must follow the following procedures:
Step 1: Submit the Admission Application form together with the US$100 application fee;
Step 2: Submit a completed Request for Transfer of Credits form and documentation on course comparability (e.g. course
descriptions or syllabi);
Step 3: A non-refundable US$25 assessment fee per each official document for which transfer of credit is sought.
Step 4: The University will then process the credit transfer request. Notification of the University’s decision will be sent to the
student via email.
Credit for Informal Learning:
Credits for informal learning or experience-based learning may be awarded for knowledge or skills that have been acquired outside of the traditional educational system (e.g. work/life-experience, university level equivalency tests, etc.). Transfer credits based on informal learning are limited to one-half of the maximum allowable transfer credits for the program of interest. To have informal transfer credit assessed and acknowledged, an applicant must follow the following procedures:
Step 1: Submit the Admission Application form together with the US$100 application fee;
Step 2: Completed Transfer of Informal Credits Application form, a non-refundable $25 transfer application fee and
documentation of credit comparability via the submission of an Experiential Learning Portfolio;
Step 3: A non-refundable US$200 portfolio assessment fee;
Step 4: After the University has processed the credit transfer request its' decision will be notified and sent to the applicant via
As a private academic institution, Newharbor International University accepts transfer credits for college-level coursework from acceptable institutions. The student must present the original or certified transcript(s) as issued by the institution during the admissions process. Students who wish to transfer credits from institutions based outside the United States must first have those credits evaluated by an organization or agency accepted by Newharbor International University. NHIU recognizes all members of the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services ("NACES"). A list of the members of NACES can be found at www.naces.org .
Generally, course transfer credit is accepted on an individual basis however in some instances credit may be automatically granted. Such may resort under framework of Academic Articulation Agreements signed between Newharbor International University and academic partner institutions, and which duly address and stipulate the process and conditions of credit transfer or acceptance. The maximum allowable transfer credits vary according to the degree length and are as follows:
Bachelor Programs:
On the Bachelor's degree level, up to three-fourths (3/4) of the total of the required
one-hundred and eighty (180) quarter units, or one-hundred and thirty-five
(135) quarter units of study, may be accepted as credit (both informal as well
as formal) towards program completion. No more than one-fourth (1/4) or forty-five
(45) quarter units can be accepted for informal or experience-based learning.
Graduate Programs:
On the Master's degree level, up to one-third (1/3) of the total of the required
sixty (60) quarter units, or twenty (20) quarter units of study, may be accepted
as credit (both informal as well as formal) towards program completion. No more
than one-sixth (1/6) or ten (10) quarter units can be accepted for informal or
experience-based learning. No credit can be accepted on the Doctorate Level.
Individualized Education Program (I.E.P.):
From the evaluation of the application material, an Individualized Education Program (IEP) will be designed for each student. This IEP demonstrates how the student may achieve his or her degree goal in the most direct way and with the least tuition cost. Applicants will be notified of acceptance into the program via email and sent enrollment materials consisting of:
1) Program Welcome Letter
2) Current Catalog
3) Individualized Education Program (I.E.P.)
4) Enrollment Agreement (E.A.)
5) Agreement to Binding Arbitration.
Upon receipt of the IEP and the EA, the applicant should assess of what must be accomplished academically as well as the total cost for the program. At that point, the applicant can make the decision to enroll or cancel the application procedure. All enrollment materials must be signed and returned to the University prior to enrolling in courses.
Newharbor International University reserves the right to reject any and all applicants. In addition, The University reserves the right to reject documentation and to request verification of documents as necessary. Additional documentation in support of an applicant’s candidacy may be requested as deemed necessary by the University. The University may check applicants for any criminal convictions. Application documents are the property of the University and will not be returned to the applicant.
Criminal Background Check:
When applying to the University, applicants must disclose any prior criminal convictions. Failure to disclose prior convictions is grounds for immediate dismissal from the University. The University reserves the right to conduct criminal background checks on any applicant or student at any time.
Notice: NHIU Credit Transferability:
The transferability of credits you earn at Newharbor International University is at the complete discretion of an institution to which you may seek to transfer. Acceptance of the degree you earn is also at the complete discretion of the institution to which you may seek to transfer. If the credits or degree you earn at this institution are not accepted at the institution you seek to transfer, you may be required to repeat some or all of your coursework at that institution. For this reason, you should make certain that your attendance at this institution will meet your educational goals. This may include contacting an institution to which you may seek to transfer after attending Newharbor International University to determine if your credits or degree will transfer.